RC Properties

Named One of the Top 10 Realtors in El Paso

To be successful in real estate, you must consistently put your clients' best interests at the forefront, helping them realize their expectations beyond their imagination...
RC PROPERTIES, putting YOUR interests first

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Serving the El Paso region for over 35 years
According to the El Paso Chamber of Commerce, the El Paso-Juarez community is the largest international community in the world. Nestled at the foot of the Franklin Mountain, the City of El Paso is bordered by Mexico on the south and New Mexico to the north. With a 2010 population of 649,000, El Paso is the 6th largest Texas city and the 19th largest city in the United States. Across the Texas-Mexico border from El Paso lies Juarez, with a population of 1.3 million, making it the 5th largest city in Mexico. The El Paso-Juarez community comprisees the largest metroplitan area on the border between the United States and Mexico...
Get in Touch
4855 N. Mesa St. Ste. 116, El Paso, TX 79912
roland@rcproperties-elp.com / Tel. (915) 328-9992